The Sorbus Computer

The Sorbus Computer explained in a five minutes lightning talk.

Sorbus Computer assembled Sorbus Computer basic parts

The Sorbus Computer started with the idea on building a very simple and cheap 65C02 based computer. It was intended to show the operation of the CPU for a talk about historic computers during a talk and workshop (slides blow).

Also this computer being simple, it is also a good project to learn soldering. So, just grab the gerber files from the Github project send them to a PCB manufacturer of your choice. Buy the connectors, sockets, resistors, CPU and microcontroller board, and solder your own computer. It sounds like more effort than it acually is.

Other Peoples Opinions

This is what the RP2040 was made for.
-- Eben Upton
Wow very cool.
-- Bil Herd
That is a cool and very strange computer design. =)
-- Linus Akesson, aka LFT
Software is the new hardware
-- Insane of Rabenauge

Important Notice

As of now, this page is just a stub. It is expected to grow over the next couple of weeks.

Requirements / Features



While all GPIO pins of the RP2040 are used for communicating with the 65C02 CPU, commication to the "outside world" is only possible via the USB UART of the RP2040. So terminal software is required for operation. Suggestions are:

Here are examples to see how you can toy around with the Sorbus Computer:



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